As an assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, at the University of Tehran over the past five years, I taught courses ranging from third- and fourth-year undergraduate courses, to first- and second-year advanced graduate seminars. The topics I taught focused mostly on the issues and history of continental philosophy in the 19th and 20th centuries. I also pioneered a new course, Philosophy of University, which looked at the university as an institution versus as an idea and how to elaborate a more inclusive concept.
I also taught ‘Interpretation of Philosophical Texts in English Language I & II’, a broad full–year course surveying the history of philosophy from pre-Socratic philosophers to the great 20th century philosophers. This course was organized for the fourth-year students of philosophy who had already completed several courses in Farsi on the history of Western philosophy. This course aimed to familiarize them with this history in English and to help them articulate their knowledge in English. I also supervised graduate students writing Masters’ and PhD theses on diverse topics from ‘The Conflict of Faculties in Kant’ to ‘The Notion of Philosophy in Heidegger.’
My teaching philosophy can be called ’emancipatory education’. It is a synthesis of two education theories – Jacques Derrida’s conception of Deconstruction and Paulo Freire’s theory of problem-posing education or ‘participatory education’ as opposed to ‘Banking Education’ (a passive pedagogic process of depositing information in students.) From Freire I learn to be realistic and from Derrida I learn to refuse or decline the reality as it is. I am dedicated to developing each student’s ability to interpret philosophical ideas and to think critically about conflicting philosophical claims. I routinely strive to present a comprehensive and methodologically appropriate picture of the subjects of the courses, and to make time available during office hours or by appointment to clarify any questions students may have. Having studied in different cultures and environments, I appreciate the challenges that diversity can present for students. That is why I regularly provide online resources for students, including a list server to share course materials and organize online group discussions for each course. I’m developing my website to make all necessary materials for courses, including courses syllabi, literature and materials, current, accessible and productive for all students.